Cancellation Policy


CANCELLATIONS – As the Organization book services in advance and are bound to honor the commitments as to payment to the suppliers, cancellation of services earmarked results in the Organization losing money depending upon the time of communication of cancellation to the supplier and therefore, the client/s will have to agree to adhere to the cancellation policy / schedule and the same shall also form a part of the Contract. The Cancellation Policy / Schedule for the entire range of services or part thereof will be as follows:


45 Days Prior To Departure Date20%On Total Billing Value
44 – 30 Days Prior To Departure Date50%On Total Billing Value
29 – 15 Days Prior To Departure Date75%On Total Billing Value
14 – 07 Days Prior To Departure Date100%On Total Billing Value



We do not want to make profit from the cancellation. Instead of cancel, you can postpone or re-schedule your program. We can give you a Zero Cancellation Postponement Period of 90 Days (not valid if you were travelling in Peak Season).